Demon Hellball
50 TUBurnApplyStatusToSelfStunChance200% damage to 1 enemy, plus 200% for each Charge stored on the user (max of 800% total damage). This attack heals the user for 100% of total damage dealt, ignores the Counter Stance Status Effect, and the effects of Skin passive skills.
The user and target are both granted the Burn status effect. This will overwrite other status effects on those units. Any unit that deals damage to or is dealt damage by a unit with burn will also become burned.
Stuns for 50TU one other non-water, burning enemy per Charge stored on the user (max of 3 targets).
Mass Dismissal
1 TUNoDamageInstantDeathImmediately defeats all conjured, non-boss units on both sides of the battlefield. Allies gain 2 Spirit and the enemy team loses 2 Spirit for each unit defeated in this way. The user is considered to have defeated with attacks as many units as are defeated this way (even if they were Ephemeral). This effect ignores Revenge passive skills, Revival passive skills, and any passive skills or effects of active skills that would prevent the targets from being defeated. This skill becomes locked for 150TU after use.
Devil's Fury
100 TUTWOBurnApplyStatusToSelfHealingBurnIgnoreStealth200% damage to 2 enemies, plus 200% for each Charge stored on the user (max of 800% damage). This attack ignores the Stealth status effect, and effects of non-boss enemies that would prevent the targets from being defeated. The user gains the Mega Healing Burn status effect for 100TU.
Usable if the user has defeated 1+ units with attacks while on the battlefield or if all enemy units on the battlefield are Fire or have Burn Blast, or Burn Drive type active skills. A unit with Mega Healing Burn will heal after each turn at 20 times the rate as Healing Burn. This will overwrite other status effects on the user, cannot be overwritten by Burn, Poison or Sleep status effects, and cannot be Purified. Any unit that deals damage to or is dealt damage by a unit with Mega Healing Burn will gain the Burn status effect. A unit with Mega Healing Burn will be granted Healing Burn for 300TU when Mega Healing Burn expires.
Ruler of the DamnedThis unit cannot be defeated by damage from Burn status effects. This unit is not affected by stun effects and cannot be sent to the reinforcements from the battlefield. This unit enters battle with the Mega Healing Burn status effect for 100TU and an Instant Death Ward. An Instant Death Ward prevents this unit from being immediately defeated without damage by a non-boss enemy once, then is removed. Instant Death Wards cannot be ignored and cannot stack.
If all units on the battlefield are Fire or have Burn Blast, or Burn Drive type active skills, this unit has a 50% bonus to attacks.
Whenever a Fire ally on the battlefield is defeated or sacrificed by any source:
- All allies become Enraged.
- All enemies are granted the Burn status effect and become Weakened. Weakened units have their Attack reduced to 0.75x until the end of their next turn. This will overwrite any existing Weak or Enrage effects on the target and can be overwritten by Enrage effects. The effect of Weakening may be diminished if the affected unit's Attack is increased by other effects.
Infernal ChargesGoodToBurnHoldGroundPlusThis unit enters battle with 2 Charges. Certain skills are affected by and may consume charges. A unit can store a maximum of 3 charges, and all charges are removed from a unit that leaves the battlefield.
If this unit would be defeated, it instead survives with 1 HP and then cannot be defeated until its next turn. This effect ends after triggering once each time this unit enters the battlefield. Whenever this unit defeats any number of units with an attack, this unit is healed for 100% of its max HP, gains a Charge and this Hold Ground+ effect is reset so it can trigger again.
When this unit has:
- 1+ Charges stored at the start of this unit's turn, it will quicken all burning allies by 30% at the end of its turn. This will overwrite the effects of other Quicken skills.
- 2+ Charges stored, this unit has 50% damage reduction from attacks.
- 3 Charges stored, this unit will ignore attacks that would damage exactly 2 targets. Attacks that target All allies will not be ignored.
Whenever a non-conjured ally on the battlefield is defeated or sacrificed by any source, this unit loses 1 Charge.
HP Up Lv3awkHPAdds 1200 to this unit's max HP.
Attack Up Lv3awkAtkAdds 300 to this unit's Attack.
Earth Resist Lv3awkBonus10% less damage from attacks by Earth units.
Greatsword MasteryawkWepCan use weapon skills of Greatswords in addition to their original preferred weapon type.
Pick Weight: 1.0
Threats:- 1.1
- 1.05
- 1.1
- 1.01
- 0.01
Demon Hellball
Mass Dismissal
Devil's Fury
I'm Satan, the Demon Overlord!
The greatest demonkin of them all,
destined to conquer the world!
Heeheehee, you want to be my minion that bad?
Fair warning, there's no slacking off in my service!
How dare you make the Demon Overlord wait! Come on, we have a world to conquer!
Hey! What do you think you're doing to my minions?
Giving them snacks...? S-Should've said something...
I want some too!
Thank you.
You want to know how old I am? It's tactless to ask a lady her age!
I'm not counting anyway! I'm the ageless Demon Overlord!
One day, I will gather all the demonfolk and make a place for us to live!
You can come too, I guess. If you behave.
Hey. Heeeey!
I'm bored! Do something about it, or you can't call yourself my minion!